Poet's Corner Thursday: Teach Me To Number My Days

Teach Me To Number My Days 

Another year has passed
The seconds are ticking by
Time goes by so fast
Lord, teach me to number my days
Keeping to Your perfect way

My life is but a flower
It blooms and then it fades
I'm granted only so many hours
Lord, teach me to number my days
Keeping to Your perfect way

Why waste my life on the meaningless and vain?
It is so very short
By your word let my heart be trained.
Lord, teach me to number my days
Keeping to Your perfect way

Take my focus off the temporary
Fix my eyes on the eternal
Working for Your Kingdom is necessary
Lord, teach me to number my days
Keeping to Your perfect way

Keep me calm and still
Direct each and every step
Order my life according to Your will
Lord, teach me to number my days
Keeping to Your perfect way


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