Poet's Corner Thursday: Glory! Glory to the Highest!

Glory! Glory to the Highest!

Give God the glory

He lives to reign

His only Son Jesus

Bore all our stains


Glory! Glory to the highest!

His beauty and grace all surrounds us

Glory! Glory to the highest!

Over all His foes He will triumph!

Holy! Holy! Holy!

His angels cry

His ways are noble

His thoughts are high


Oh, seeks Him always

He bids us draw near

For the God of gods

Have reverent fear


Praise Him today, tomorrow

And forever

He controls the world

And will leave us never


Far beyond the starry sky

He's on His throne

Through His Holy Word

He makes His mind known


Of His Holy kingdom

There is no end

His compassion and love

On us descends

Refrain 2x's at end of song


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