Memorial Day

Let's not forget what Memorial Day is really all about. The brave men and women who gave their lives for our country.

American Hero

"Now you don't you cry, my little girl
I'll be back someday to give you hugs and kisses
To put your hair up in curls."

My five year old little heart quakes with a million fears
"No Daddy! Please don't go!"
Down my cheeks run fresh hot tears....

"Little pumpkin, please understand. It's my job to keep the bad guys away.
To protect America to defend her to keep her safe.
Don't worry. I'll be back someday."

Daddy before he leaves gives Mommy a lover's kiss.
Their love I can feel all around this house.
While he is gone, him we will miss.

He is an American Hero
Answered his country's call during a time of war.
To protect to defend her to keep her from harm.

I go to the livingroom hoping for a bedtime story
Oh no. Why is Mommy crying?
Now my heart is filled with worry

Mommy sees me says "We need to talk."
Deep down I know it's not good
It's no wonder on my little legs toward her I can barely walk

"Sweetie, something bad happened to Daddy
He got hurt while trying to keep the bad guys away
He got hurt so bad God decided to take him to heaven today."

"Nooo!" I scream
In my heart I pray
Please just let this be a bad dream.

"But he promised to be back; to curl my hair
To give me hugs and kisses
His absence I simply can't bear."

"Can't God bring him back?
I love him so much
His very presence is what we lack."
No honey it doesn't work like that. He's gone.
God can't bring him back."
Now gone is the dawn

I run as fast as my legs will carry me to my room
Screaming "I hate God! He took my Daddy away!"
Now around this house is a sense of gloom

He was an American Hero.
Answered his country's call during a time of war
To protect to defend her to keep her from harm

Eight years have passed on by
I'm at the tender age of thirteen
Still, after all these years, for my Father my heart still cries

Mommy says I'm old enough to understand
To see why Daddy died that day
I'm old enough to comprehend

"Honey Daddy served this country during a time of war
To protect and defend this great nation
To keep America's enemies from reaching her shore."

"His love for this country was so great
That his very life he gave up
So the loss of freedom wouldn't be America's fate."

Now I fully understood
Daddy gave his life for our nation that day.
By this country he forever stood.

I released balloons to the sky for Daddy Red white and blue
"Thank you Daddy so much
To this country you stayed true."

He'll always be an American Hero
Answered his country's call during a time of war
To protect to defend her to keep her from harm.

A poem about how much our troops and their families sacrifice for this nation.


letter a note to America and her civilians from a soldier serving his country from far far away

Oh civilians, safely residing within your homes, do you remember me?
This present war the battles I've fought your eyes do not see.

This country I have chosen to serve
To protect to defend her
So your support is what I deserve

The heat of battle raging all around
Here in a time of war brotherhood is quickly formed
The losses we suffer so profound

An enemy ambush in the dark of night
We all stood ready to protect to defend our brothers-in-arms
Stood ready to fight

My friend standing next to me I saved his life
Shielded him from the fire of the enemy
But for this I paid the ultimate price.

Now mortally wounded, is all the lieutenant would say
As I prepare to die
This is to God I pray

Send my love to my loved ones so dear
Pour down your grace upon my comrades
Whether they be far or near

Oh God of heaven and earth
Hear my heart's plea
Help them to understand
Help them to see.

The ultimate sacrifice that I made
The family that I left behind
So that freedom's light will not fade

I now close my prayer in peace
I have given my all
To God my spirit I release

Oh civilians I just died for you
Protecting defending the way of freedom
So this is what you can do

Remember to support us all during times of war
Remember to support us even in times of peace
Remember to support us forevermore

Oh civilians safely residing within your homes do you remember me?
This present war the battles I've fought your eyes do not see.

A poem I wrote to help me Remember freedom is not free. 


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