Poet's Corner Thursday: God Is Not Mocked

God Is Not Mocked 

His holy ways are mocked
He’s not allowed in our schools
Backs turned on His rules

America! How far she has fallen!
From her Holy God she turned away.
From His precepts she strayed.

Woe to this nation!
Abandoned her godly heritage.
What is legal now?
Same sex marriage.

A newborn’s first cry. How sweet!
But the slaughter of the innocent is within the land.
Sexual immorality and murder go hand-in-hand.

America has turned away from Him.
Innocent children are abused.
Mistreated and refused.

America! Wake up!
How long will you laugh and scorn?
From Puritan ways you were born! 

God is not mocked.
You reap what you sow.
America! Repent now!

The line slaughter of the innocent is within the land refers to abortion, which is murder. The line mistreated and refused refers to neglect.

As a country we're going downhill fast. Pray for this nation. That we turn back to God and the Bible.


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