Poet's Corner Thursday: Seek Those Things Above

Seek Those Things Above

Seek those things above

Christ is in the heavenly realm

Think on spiritual things thereof

Don't let troubles overwhelm

For the spiritual have great affection

Put the earthly aside

With your Heavenly Father make the connection

Follow His Word and guide

Your life is hid with Christ

Out of His love and grace

He paid a high price

Keep your eyes on Him in this faith race

Christ is our life

Christ is our all

He lifts us to new heights

Let the treasures of heaven enthrall

Put to death the evil deeds

On the spiritual build up

Of the kingdom, sow the seed

Take part in the Communion bread and cup

Put on the new

Cast aside the old

To Him stay true

Reach for grace untold

All in Christ are free

All in Him on His mercy stand

Love is the key

As we seek the heavenly land

Put on mercy, kindness

Meekness, patience, humility

These give spiritual stability

Save from spiritual blindness

Forbear with everyone

Forgive often for we all do err

Be right and fair

Imitate the gracious Son

Bind all of this

With love, the strongest force

God is it's source

In seeking Him, taste now the hallowed bliss

And now be thankful; ruled by God's peace

All quarrels should now cease

Into one body we are all called

His grace, forever, into our hearts installed

Seek those things above

Christ is in the heavenly realm

Think on spiritual things thereof

Don't let troubles overwhelm

Based on Colossians 3:1-15


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