Poet's Corner Thursday: All My Days You Carry Me

All My Days You Carry Me

Your glory, all, please show to me

Your presence I long to see

With You it's a brand new day

You guide me in Your perfect way


All my days you carry me

You're my eyes when I can't see

You're the song unto my heart

From You I'll never depart

The journey is treacherous and long

But through you I'm now made strong

Your peace abides with me still

I surrender it all to Your will


There's sorrow intermingled with hope

My heart, with Your love, You envelope

Faith and pain are intertwined

Through the fire my faith refined


From the rising to the setting sun

I'm amazed at all that You have done

You wrap me up in Your sweet grace

My spirit yearns to see Your face


Your glory, all, please show to me

Your presence I long to see

With You it's a brand new day

You guide me in Your perfect way



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