Poet's Corner Thursday: We Give Our Maker Praise

We Give Our Maker Praise 

A Song

Stars they shine in the sky
We give our Maker praise

Creation flowed from His voice
His glory to amaze

He has created us
His image to reflect

Honor to Him give
Let's show Him our respect

His Holy Inspired Word
Shall endure through endless days

God who is from above
He's guiding all our ways

Hold Him in reverent awe
Give glory to His name

Our Lord Jesus Christ
He remains the same

Power and might to Him bolong
It's Him we all adore

He reigns through eternity
His saints He's coming for

Stars they shine in the sky
We give our Maker praise
We give our Maker praise
We give our Maker praise

Creation flowed from His voice
Refer to Genesis Chapter 1 God created this whole universe just with His voice. Amazing!


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