Poet's Corner Thursday: The Last Day

The Last Day 

Oh no. It's the last day
I didn't walk the difficult narrow way

My God I will meet
I feel doom and defeat

Before Christ's Holy throne I appear
Shedding bitter tears

I rejected Him time and again
Now inwardly I cringe

For my sins I'll pay the price
Should've heeded my preacher's godly advice

What was I thinking?
My heart within me sinking

All my deeds, words, thoughts, motives laid bare
I can't cry "Foul" or "Unfair"

I then hear those dreadful words
Pierce my spirit like a sword:

"Depart from Me, you worker of iniquity"
The fires of hell I already see

Oh no. It's the last day
I didn't walk the difficult narrow way

Oh glorious! It's the last day
I walked the difficult narrow way

I'm prepared to My God
Who, all my life, guided me by His staff and rod

I appear before Christ's throne
On earth, I was never alone

I obeyed His Gospel call
He saved me from the fall

To Him I was faithful
To me He was graceful

I spread His good news far and wide
My eyes on the Heavenly tide

I'll receive a reward for service to my King
Within me my heart sings

This what my ears hear
I know glory is near:

"Well done, good and faithful servant
In noble service you were fervent

Enter into the joy of your Master"
I'm saved from eternal disaster

Oh glorious! It's the last day
I walked the difficult narrow way


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