Poet's Corner Thursday: The Value of God's Kingdom

The Value of God's Kingdom 

Some, after riches, chase
Utterly forsake Christ
With the world keeping pace
For their folly they pay a price
They've forgotten the value of God's Kingdom

Some go after fame
Desire to be well known
Desperate for that famous name
Jesus they disown
They've forgotten the value of God's Kingdom

Some are filled with envy
Covet all their neighbor has
In their hearts, they are stingy
Just want the latest fads
They've forgotten the value of God's Kingdom

Some are full of rage
Refuse to let go and forgive
Count up wrongs until old age
A miserable life they live
They've forgotten the value of God's Kingdom

Some seek God on a daily basis
Jesus is their treasure
They desire to see His face
Love Him without measure
They remember the value of God's Kingdom

Some, the Gospel, they proclaim
Of salvation, they want all to know
They let the Lord, over their lives, reign
At His Command they always go
They remember the value of God's Kingdom

Some are very content
Willing always to share
Of greed, in them, not even a hint
Of others, they have care
They remember the value of God's Kingdom

Some, all of mercy, they bestow
They are ever ready to pardon
To anger they are slow
Their hearts they don't harden
They remember the value of God's Kingdom

The value of God's Kingdom we must realize
For His Word commands us to seek it
Let's have spiritual eyes
And keep our Gospel candles lit
The value of God's Kingdom 


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