Poet's Corner Thursday: Power of Love

Power of Love 

Left His heavenly domain
Knowing He would receive no sympathy
And go through all the agony and pain
He had a heart of humility
That's the power of love

He endured ridicule and shame
Did not even retaliate
For our sins took all the blame
Forgave those who were full of hate
That's the power of love

Hung upon the cross
Watch His lifeblood drain away
To save us from endless loss
For vile sinners He prayed
That's the power of love

"Father, forgive them
They know what they do".
Now we're let in
He makes us all new
That's the power of love

Took His last breath
He did it all for you and me
Died a cruel death
Upon that bitter tree
That's the power of love

The third day He arose from the grave
Ascended back to Heaven where He's now King
It's us He wants to save
To Him angels now sing
That's the power of love

Sits on God's right hand
For us He's interceding
Obey His Gospel command
And follow His leading
That's the power of love


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