Poet's Corner Thursday: Judgment


Before His judgment seat I must appear
Will I, in assurance, be able to stand?

Will I be cast out with the devil?
Or join that holy band?

He'll separate people one from another
Will I be a vile goat or a holy lamb?

Will I feel forever the fire?
Or hold the Savior's hand?

Will I rejoice at His appearing?
Or shrink back in shame?

Will I be found righteous and pure?
Or suffer eternal torment having only myself to blame?

Will I receive rest when He comes?
Or suffer wrath from Him?

Will I be cast into the fiery lake?
Or into heaven be let in?

Am I prepared to meet my God?
Have I kept His Holy commands?

Preparation comes through obedience
Assurance by faithfulness

So cling to my Savior
And increase in holiness 


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