Poet's Corner Thursday: Obey The Gospel Call

Obey the Gospel Call 

Son of God perfect, true

Heart of love for mankind

Came to earth for me and you

He came unto His own

But they received Him not

Not seeing, for their sins, He would atone.

Miracles, signs, wonders cried out of Him "Divine!"

Before all men, women, children

Did His light shine.

Self righteous, hard, proud the religious leaders were

So steeped in man made traditions

They didn't realize, in front of their eyes, was of sin, the Cure.

He, of Himself,  did testify,

"I am the Way, the Truth, the Life!"

"For your weary souls, rest, I provide!"

Obey the Gospel Call

The blessed Gospel Call

His grace reaches to all.

"No one, not one, comes to the Father except through Me!

I'll give you eternal life.

Let Me, Savior of your soul, be!"

Yet, Him, did so many reject

Though He healed their diseases,

His testimony they would  not accept.

Religious leaders plotted, planned, schemed His demise

With hearts so cold and cruel

Him, they did, despise.

So they brought false charges against the Anointed One

Delivering Him up to the Roman officials

Their evil deed  was done.

"Blasphemy, blasphemy!" they all cried out.

"Do away with Him!

Crucify, crucify!" they all began to shout.

Obey the Gospel Call

The blessed Gospel Call

His grace reaches to all.

"In Him, I find no wrong," declared Pontious Pilate.

"I'll let Him go"

"No,no," said the crowd, beginning to riot.

"It's the Passover Day

I'll release one prisoner.

What do you say?"

They all said with one accord.

"Barabbas, Barabbas! Release Barbabbas!"

"Crucify Jesus!" They all roared.

To please the crowd,

Pilate released Barabbas.

Which made the many proud.

Then, to Golgotha, they led Him

Made Simon Cyrene to carry His cross

The day of His death very grim.

Obey the Gospel Call

The blessed Gospel Call

His grace reaches to all.

Nailed the Messiah to the cross

For our pardon, our salvation

He would pay a high cost.

He hung on the cross from noon until three

In great pain and agony

Just to set us free.

"Father, forgive them. They know not what they do."

And breathed His last.

His sacrifice so true.

Buried in a rich man's tomb

The tomb guarded

To the disciples this was darkness and gloom.

The third day came bright and clear

And up from the grave He arose

Redemption draws near.

Obey the Gospel Call

The blessed Gospel Call

His grace reaches to all.

Appeared unto His disciples and many others alive again

They now knew in their hearts

Grace always wins.

Over the grave a victory He won

Now Lord of Lords King of Kings

On His head is placed a dazzling crown.

Think on what He's done for you

All His love and grace

In your heart's view

To this Gospel plan, steps, six

In following them

Your sin problem will be fixed.

Let your heart begin to hear

Of His sacrifice and grace

To the Gospel give a listening ear

Obey the Gospel Call

The blessed Gospel Call

His grace reaches to all.

Then in your heart begin to believe

Accept His atonement

Your shame and guilt He will relieve.

From your sins repent, turn away

Turn to Him

Let this be a new day.

With your mouth make the confession

Son of the living God

Don't let your mind bring any doubts or questions.

Be immersed baptized in water

You'll receive forgiveness

Becoming God's son or daughter

Then to Him remain faithful and true

He'll never leave or forsake you.

Stay with you all of life's journey through

Obey the Gospel Call

The blessed Gospel Call

His grace reaches to all.

Romans 10:17 Matthew 7: 24-27 John 5:24

BELIEVE Mark 16:15-16 John 8:24 John 3: 16

REPENT Acts 17:30 Luke 13:3

CONFESS Matthew 10:32-33 Acts 8: 36-37 Romans 10: 9 Philippians 2: 10-11

Acts 2:38
1 Peter 3: 21
Acts 22: 16
Mark 16:15-16 Matthew 28:18-20

FAITHFULNESS Hebrews 10:25-26
1 Corinthians 15: 58 Revelation 2:10 James 2: 14-26
I John 1: 6-7


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